Saturday, March 28, 2009

Partner Announcement Weekend Update: Learn and Protect Yourself... Stand Up, but be Smart... This is just the Beginning... media links...

What’s next for PWHS employees and the community after yesterday’s announcement?

Thanks to all of the concerned citizens and employees who have given us so much attention and expressed their willingness to help and spread the word over the past 24 hours. If you haven’t already, please read the other two articles on this blog as well as the comments that have been made.

Special thanks to those who have provided the links and info about PWHS’s “merger” partner Novant and VERY special thanks to our family, friends, current associates and founding members who helped us break this story just 20 minutes after they were informed and the Friday morning directors and managers meeting concluded.

Learn about Novant:

Learn about their employment picture:

Does a job similar to yours exist there? Do you meet the qualifications for it, based on their standards? We’ll go more in-depth on these issues soon, but in the meantime, protect yourself and do some research.

Do you work at PWHS through a third party contractor in the HIM or billing departments? Novant handles that in-house, sorry. Hopefully you’ll still keep your job with your parent company and have new assignment waiting for you that’s not too far away if you're a local.

A lot more on Novant jobs, soon. In the meantime...

Protect yourself, your coworkers and those with the courage to stand up…take a lot of notes…

If you ask any merger related questions, try to do so in front of others and document the time and place and nature of your inquiries and who you spoke to. If you have a coworker asking questions, make a note of this, also recording the time and place, content and people involved.

Do NOT allow the powers-that-be to begin to fire the dissenters or people they assume are not on their side. If the jobs of people who have asked questions or have spoken their mind begin to disappear based on trumped-up charges, sudden ‘budget cuts’ or allegedly low censuses, tell these people to contact us, the state Employment Commission, the FTC, the state’s Attorney General, their local government representatives and their own attorney or legal-aid lawyer. 

NO ONE should be afraid to have an opinion, ask questions or speak their mind in the appropriate manner and setting. Continue to do your jobs well in the same fashion that has allowed PWHS to stay afloat and win awards DESPITE being under such weak leadership, but when the times are right for conversation, do not be afraid and document EVERYTHING.

This is just the beginning... but time will pass quickly and the time to act is now....

Stay tuned and subscribe for updates on where to go and who are good people to voice your opinion to, we'll need all of Manassas to get involved if we're going to keep TRUE local control and evict the absentee landlords and weak leadership who are selling us out and have lead us into this situation.

The special report on Executive Employment Agreements, Severance Packages and Stay Bonuses is coming soon, but for now if you pass by a PWHS exec be sure to ask what YOU will get if your position will not be a permanent fixture after a merger and transition is complete. Ask how much of Novant's proposed $200 million investment will go toward taking care of YOU and your family and benefits, since millions of it will be already set aside and going to the executive golden parachutes that are already in place and will be part of the agreement to merge. 

the announcement in the news – please read and make comments!

Knowledge is power... pass this on to your friends, coworkers or anyone with a stake in Prince William...

More to come. Subscribe to the blog and email us. Save PWHS.

Friday, March 27, 2009

developing story....partner named: Novant

NC healthcare giant Novant has just been named as PWHS'  "partner" (BUYER).

They seem to be a well-meaning, impressive organization, but this does not change the fact that PWHS DOES NOT NEED A PARTNER.

Like Medicorp, Fauquier, Potomac and INOVA, we can do this on our own, we just need strong leadership who wants to do something other than sell.

It's great PWHS will keep its name.  It's great there will still be a local board in place.  It's great that they're non-profit....

BUT that does not change the fact that this is outside, corporate healthcare coming in and taking over our hospital.    This does not change the fact that the CEO and his execs will get a massive payday out of this while there are no guarantees for other employees.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who we are... No "bounty" Schwartz claims... No Severance for the little guy, only lies... What's next?... Save PWHS in the news

Who are we?

We're PWHS employees, past and present. We believe that the Prince William Health System should remain a non-profit, locally controlled organization. Everything in this blog is our opinion, opinion based on years of PWHS service and a great deal of current inside knowledge.

We believe PWHS does not need to be sold or "partnered" or "merged" with another outside organization and only needs stronger leadership.
We believe the current PWHS leadership has had no big-picture plan for the organization for nearly ten years other than to sell.

We believe PWHS can be as successful as our local, independent sister non-profit health systems: Fauquier, INOVA, Medicorp & Potomac. We believe the only reason that PWHS does not shine as brightly is due to weak, ineffectual leadership.

You may have read about us in the local news. We made a bit of a splash last month when we emailed a few of our coworkers with our opinions and the word began to spread. You can read that entire email and about the initial bit of buzz it created, here on the first local blog to pick up on our story and cause:

We believe that the community can make a difference and keep their hospital under local control and ownership.

We believe the fact that the hospital has chosen to address the issues we've raised in a week-long series of employee forums legitimizes our concerns.

We believe that the hospital leadership scapegoating us for employees feeling uneasy and creating pro-union sentiment is a pathetic attempt at trying to discredit us. We are anti-union and do not feel one is needed at PWHS, as a union would only make the chaotic current state of fear, paranoia, mistrust and confusion even worse. The employees of PWHS and the surrounding community have all the power they need to make a difference.

No "Bounty"?

In a recent Washington Post article, PWHS CEO Mike Schwartz has claimed there is "no finder's fee or bounty" for selling the hospital.

We believe an employment agreement that stipulates that he will receive a year's worth of his half million dollar salary plus benefits in the event of losing his position due to a sale or merger constitutes quite a bounty. As far as his "no finder's fee" comment is concerned, our belief is that the sum activity of his near-decade long PWHS career has been looking for a "partner" (BUYER) for the organization. The MILLIONS of dollars he's made from PWHS are nothing more than his cumulative finder's fee because it has been his focus for his entire tenure. We believe he's been an absentee landlord to the organization, and to our knowledge and observation he has had little or no involvement with policies, patient care and anything that goes into actually RUNNING a hospital and not just trying to SELL one.

It must be nice to have a job where you get to have ONE project to accomplish that you can spend almost 10 years on, a project that you can fail at (the unsuccessful merger with INOVA) and still seemingly have zero accountability, still keep making an exuberant salary (FYI: as a non-profit organization that files IRS 990 forms, the executive salaries are public record, call PWHS CFO Robert Riley at 703-369-8000 if you want a copy of a PWHS 990 for your own information).

As far as these severance agreements (search Google News for Circuit City and AIG for more on similar disgusting displays of corporate greed) and 'Stay Bonuses' (a special article on these, coming soon) being a "standard practice," which according to Schwartz in the Post are needed in order for "stability in senior management," we can only scoff. It's just another example of those responsible for creating a problem getting paid to sit back and let someone else come in and fix it. Even more reprehensible is the fact that so far, none of the employees that these leadership executives KNOW will also lose their jobs are being taken care of in an appropriate fashion or being told the truth about what a sale will mean to them.

No severance for you, just semantics...

One of the most disturbing things occurring right now is people connected to the front lines of non-clinical departments that DO NOT traditionally survive healthcare industry sales/mergers are reporting that they are still being lied to by leadership, being told their jobs are safe and to look forward to growth, meaning that these "leaders" are either truly as clueless and incompetent as we fear OR as immoral and dishonest as we fear. It's a no-win situation for the PWHS employee.

YES, a buyer with deep pockets will one day mean growth for the new incarnation of what was formerly known as Prince William Hospital, but not for non-clinical, corporate positions that will no longer be needed. Telling someone who works for a corporate or accounting department to expect growth is twisting the truth around, playing word games, playing games with employees' very lives.

This is the worst American economy since the Great Depression. Execs who will walk away with lucrative severances openly misleading the hardworking people who will lose their jobs is a crime. These people should be preparing to seek new employment and put away the money they'll need in case they need to pay for 100% of their health insurance out of their own pockets (unlike the execs whose severance agreements entitle them to employee-rates for their benefits, not the full-priced COBRA rates the rank and file will be subject to), not be given a false sense of security.

What now?

Now we wait till the prospective PWHS "partner" (BUYER) organization is announced and make sure they're made aware of our feelings and the truth about what's been happening at PWHS for the past 10 years. We will also facilitate the means for you to contact them so you can do the same.

Look for the following upcoming articles here on the Save PWHS blog:

- Is that laughter? Must be a PWHS exec on their way to the bank: A closer look at Severance Packages and Stay Bonuses

- We Gotta Go Now: An examination of departments that are traditionally made redundant and eliminated when a large healthcare organization buys a smaller one.

- Community at Risk: What happens when the focus of a hospital's leadership turns from patient care and satisfaction to merely selling off the organization?

- Are We REALLY in the Red?: How much time, effort and money is spent on spin control instead of simply being honest?

- Where are they Now?: an article focusing on the Save PWHS commitment to the PWHS employee and how there will be accountability.

Spread the word...

Links to the aforementioned Washington Post story and other PWHS articles in the news... be sure to check out the 'comments' sections for more information that the powers-that-be at PWHS refuse to address and don't want you reading:

write us, ask questions, take a stand and stay tuned.

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